September 7, 2006

Blacksmith Party

Filed under: photography,rock,tacoma — sparkrobot @ 5:43 pm

I was downtown a while back. I dropped by the Kulture Lab at the Catapult Gallery. There were a lot of people out and interested in the event. There was some good stuff on display. Blanco Bronco (sorry no photos), The Plastards (photos), Beat Box Fred (photos) and The Fucking Eagles (photos) played a party at the Blacksmith (Jefferson & Fawcett) later in the evening and I brought some 3200 B&W film. I missed most of Blanco Bronco, but liked the last song they played. I mentioned it to their singer later to which he replied “Oh, that one we screwed up?”. I said “Um, yeah, I think so.” The Plastards played next and call me crazy, but I think they had some new songs. Beat Box Fred was at the show, up from Olympia. Fred drops beats—mostly with his mouth and a wireless mic. I think I heard some Moby Dick in there. Hard to say. The Fucking Eagles went on last and included an impromptu “jam” with BBF.

The reason it’s taken me so long to post about this is that I shot with actual film (the horror!) and it’s taken me this long to get everything scanned and some of it up on the web (blah blah blah). I like film. I like the results. It’s a lot more work. I don’t have any photos from the gallery event, I only had black and white film and it didn’t really suit the scene.

A sidecar: evidently, a woman was murdered—shot in the head—around 2:30 AM (well after we left, but still…) near the Fawcett House at 19th & Fawcett. There were some condos going up across the street at 26th & Jefferson.


  1. I am sed singer and thanks for mentioning us. I like the photos you got here. Our bass player is a good photographer to and I think he’d like yer shots. jest thought i’d put my two cents in. Oh, by the way… I think the last song we did was actually done right, twas the song before that got away from the fair rough stallions.

    Comment by Aaron wilson (lead Bronco) — October 10, 2006 @ 4:18 pm

  2. Hey Aaron, No problem on the mentions. Thanks for the props on the photos. You’re more likely to be right about the performance. I’d never heard the songs and they didn’t sound botched to me at all. Cheers man.

    Comment by sparkrobot — October 10, 2006 @ 4:26 pm

  3. so, i can’t figure out how to email you. how could we (the fucking eagles) get a high resolution version of one of your pictures for our cd artwork?

    this one: ilford-delta-3200-09

    Comment by Jesse — November 16, 2006 @ 11:09 am

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