July 31, 2005

The Sermon

Filed under: photography,rock — sparkrobot @ 4:12 pm

No, I’m not going to deliver a sermon, I’m going to deliver The Sermon. Some photos taken last night at The Stanwood Hotel. They ripped through 10 or 12 charged up garage rock tunes for about 30 mins or so. Fuzz on everything, including a reissued Foxx Tone Machine and a Mosrite Fuzz Rite. Reissue Russian black Big Muff on the bass. Even a Theramin played through an old Ampeg Gemini II. Good stuff.

July 20, 2005

Tacoma Restaurants

Filed under: tacoma — sparkrobot @ 2:15 am

I’m compiling a list of restaurants in Tacoma that don’t suck. Mainly so I can pull it up on my phone when nobody can make a decision, but if you get some use out of this, that’s just dandy pal.


July 14, 2005

New Photo Gallery Coming Finally

Filed under: photography,rock — sparkrobot @ 8:44 pm

I’m working on getting a new series of photos up to the old Live Rock Photos gallery. It’s moved and now lives here. There’s more to come, but for now, check out these photos of The Riverboat Gamblers in Tacoma at Hell’s Kitchen last year.

I’m publishing this site now using WordPress and iPAP: Photo Album Publisher from Marku Seguerra.